My Journey to a Better Life

My Journey to a Better Life

Trauma begins in childhood and often continues well into adulthood if not addressed. As a teenager, I carried my childhood traumas with me, and, just like you, experienced more traumatic events. Add to that severe acne, overactive hormones, low self-esteem, no self-love, a broken home, and you get a depressed person who grows into a self-destructive adult who ends up spinning out of control. That was me, and it was ugly! I was overwhelmed and nurturing toxic relationships because I didn’t feel worthy of having a normal, loving relationship. I ended up in an abusive marriage with no clear direction on how to break free from the relationship and old limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, trapped emotions, and the old ways of being that kept me from feeling happiness. Even worse I started to believe that this unhealthy version of myself was who I really was. Addictions developed to cope with the pain. At my lowest point, I had no will to live. Does this sound familiar? Have you also suppressed pain and hurt from a lifetime of impactful events in hopes it will just go away? I was ready to give in and accept my fate of “life is hard”, “these were the cards I was dealt”, “I give up!” Looking back, I now realize my body was talking to me through illnesses, skin disorders, and emotional/mental imbalances. It had always been talking to me. I just wasn’t listening…

In 2018, my journey to healing began when I had enough. My life-long passion for good health and nutrition naturally lead me down the path to become a Certified Health Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. Educating myself and others on the importance of being healthy in the four areas of Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition (L.E.A.N.) was changing people's lives but there was so much more to learn and discover. At that point, I began learning the fundamentals of detoxing on other levels, not just the physical body.

One of the essential requirements for vibrant health is a physical detox. It’s extremely important to eliminate harmful chemicals, heavy metals, biological pathogens and decrease excessive toxins accumulating in your body. Because of its wonderful health benefits, I treated myself to a weekly full body detox using an ionic energetic foot bath system. The detox foot baths strengthened my immune system and gave me more energy because of the toxic debris being released from my body. The experience didn’t stop there because that’s when I began to explore the idea of detoxing the emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects that often get neglected. Detoxing on all levels was a game changer! All the healing modalities I used to heal myself, I will also use to assist you on your healing journey.

Today, I am happy, healthy, feel a ton of joy and happiness, on zero medications, and 100% free of depression. I am longer stuck! Yes, we all go through tough times, but you don’t have to stay there. Let me help you get unstuck! Clear your body free of toxins so you can start feeling amazing too. Now’s the time to focus on your health and vitality!